Personal Training

PF_Sketch_01062012091805399Mr. Roop can help you launch a smart exercise program, move beyond stubborn plateaus, break out of fitness ruts and reenergize your workout. Along the way, he will challenge you, change your outlook and build your confidence, with results that extend far beyond the mirror.

Mr. Roop offers:

One-On-One Training 

With One-On-One training you will work with Mr. Roop individually to define, meet and exceed your fitness goals.

Small Groups Training

Some of us find more commitment and inspiration in achieving our goals with other, so for those individuals we encourage you to invite a friend or two to help motivate and encourage you in attaining success.

Sport Specific Training

Many times Mr. Roop has been asked to assist athletes build their strength and endurance, and enhance their overall performance in a variety of sports such as hockey, soccer, swimming, cross country, La Crosse, football and basketball.

Endurance Specific Training

This is an intense 12-week program specifically designed to increase an athlete’s endurance in a variety of sportssuch as MMA, boxing, kick-boxing, hockey, soccer, swimming, cross country, La Crosse, football and basketball.

Contact us to schedule your personal training session today!